Monday, 19 October 2009

GVO Set To Launch 20th October-Global Virtual Opportunity

GVO Set To Launch 20th October

For the past two months or so anticipation in the launch of the new GVO-Global Virtual Opportunities has reached fever pitch. GVO have teamed up with kiosk to offer what is building up to be a business marriage made in heaven.

What does every marketer need? hosting right! Well kiosk is the hosting company of choice for some of the biggest online marketers out there....Mike Filsaime, Michael Cheney and Frank Kern to name but three. So why is this hosting package so great?

The first thing to acknowledge is that these guys only go for the best, and they consider the Kiosk brand to be that because of its reliability. They cannot afford for their sites to be down, on top of that its the features and benefits that the hosting package provides them.

Here is a list of what you get when you sign up.

•Unlimited domain hosting ($40 monthly value)
•Unlimited reseller account. (sell hosting accounts or give them to your clients)
•Lead capture and prospecting system
•Unlimited auto responder system ($20 monthly value)(Set to rival aweber and get response)
•Video marketing system ($100 monthly value)
•Audio and video conference set up ($100 monthly value)
•Web site monitoring
•Online free MLM coaching
•The best compensation plan in the MLM industry

So how about this money making opportunity?

Get a load of this you have 5 different ways of getting paid:

1. Quick start bonus paying 50% on your direct referrals in the first month
2. You have a forced 2 X 10 binary matrix
3. you can have re-entery bonus when you hit 14 people 9You can bank these positions
4. Once the matrix starts to fill you can qualify for matching bonuses
5. You can sell private label rights hosting packages at 100%

You may want to watch this video to fully understand how the matrix works and how you
can earn substanial commissions. Heres that video GVO Matrix Explained

If you want to find out more and how you can try this hosting package and business opportunity for a trial period of 14 days at $1 visit here: GVO Profits