Tuesday, 8 September 2009

GVO Web Hosting With A Difference

Kiosk is relaunching their web hosting under the GVO during the month of September, and the web hosting promises to be a one stop for all the web services you could ever imagine been needed in your business. Its presently in beta and the only people who are allowed to use it now are ones that are specifically invited, if you want to know more about the service, the business opportunity and where to join take a look at this: GVO Profits Team

There are 3 new services are been added to the web hosting package, those services are:

  1. A built in autoresponder that promises to offer a service in line with what is offered through Aweber, together withy its level of deliverability.

  2. Easy Video Producer Service.

  3. Hot Conferencing webinar facilities.

Apart from this you also receive a discussion forum, blogging, website builder and cpanel with fantastico of course.

The great thing about this service is also the compensation plan for anyone who joins the Affiliate scheme . Now I'm part of a team of big hitters, with notable high flyers Derrick Van Dyke, Todd Gross and Ewen Chia, so check out the hyper link (Affiliate Scheme), this details more about GVO itself, and how the compensation plan works.

You may also want to take a look at this video: How The Compensation Plan works

Now back to the hosting package, as previously mentioned you have a comprehensive suite of web site tools under oner roof, so you don't need to buy a number of different packages. There are many video tutorials and excellent support in place.

To give you some idea on how credible the GVO package is, this is a list of some of the top marketers who use this service already.

  1. Mike Filsaime

  2. Tellman Knudson

  3. Todd Gross

  4. Stephen Pierce

  5. Michael Cheney

  6. Frank Dousa and Mike Koemings

  7. Frank Bauer

  8. Frank Raumbauskas

  9. Frank Kern

GVO hosting is by invitation only at present, but if you want to take a trial for $1, heres your opportunity, just click on the image to your left.

14 days at $1 provides you with a valuable opportunity to determine whether this is a service that can benefit you.

If you want to now how been part of the GVO profit team can provide leverage with GVO and the hosting package provided then head over here and read the page, watch the video and sign up for your $1 trial 14 day period. GVO Profit Team

The Kiosk hosting and GVO is a marriage made in heaven, GVO have brought additional services into an already reliable hosting company to provide the one stop marketing shop.

I'm already a Titanium member,a nd below you will find a summary of whats provided in the service.

  1. Training documents
  2. Public conference room and live training schedule
  3. Video tutorials
  4. Technical support
  5. News blog
  6. cPanel with Fantastico
  7. Discussion forums
  8. Members only conference room
  9. Website builder, Website templates, and Lead capture templates
  10. Rotating banner
  11. Rotating homepage popunder
  12. Tell a friend
  13. Meta tag generator
  14. Popup window, Delayed popup, Frameless popup, Popunder
  15. Exit butler
  16. My 3 seat conference room
  17. SuperSponder Responder system
  18. Prospecting system
  19. Kiosk banners and logos
  20. My Kiosk referral links
  21. Downtime Witness
  22. My photo gallery
  23. FFA system
    Email branding, and My Email downline
  24. My referral stats, commissions
  25. View my downline, my top 100 links

Pretty comprehensive right?

So there's a run down on some of the key benefits of the hosting package, to see a more detailed explanation of the business opportunity that this provides, head over to my squidoo lens and my teams page all of whci should provide you with deatils allowing you to decide whether this is worth checking out for you.

My Squioo lens: GVO Web Hosting-A Business Opportunity Awaits

The GVO Teams: GVO Profits Team

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